Thursday, February 28, 2013

Confessions of an Average Student

I am an average student and I have no page to confess my average confessions. Although I read a lot of people writing about how they were before and now and somehow they make sense, but they don't for me.

An investment banker wrote, he miss his carefree days of college, Well I miss days where I am not broke. I hate that I have to find money in every corner of my house. All those people in IT's in the end, I would say well, you have confessions, so do we. Are we crying hoarse about it? No because we make do.

I am not belittling them but I feel hurt. These were the people who were supposed to be the cream, we are just skimmed milk. They are talking about loosing their edge. So what we do?
 The average student. With an average dream. With an average salary package. Are we supposed to start a page called Average confessions and make our average confessions.

I remember the days and they are still a few days when someone says they are from IT's in the end, they have money birds around their head. Everyone is assuming they will have a lot of money. Has anyone ever wondered, will they ever get a NOBEL? Yes my dear, I am talking about research. The research that leads to the most prestigious award. They have the facilities, I don't remember that even one instrument working in our lab. Yes, our lab was even average. We couldn't, may be will never reach there. There are people like you who can. Where the package is not the ultimate goal. For us, maybe. For you, I am not sure. I just want a nobel given to us for genuine research, for a genuine idea while being in India. That is the dream I have for my India. For the people who want their children in these prestigious places. Not us, but them

All those who belong to some IT's, I mean no disrespect. I just want a confession page dedicated to US. The masses. Maybe someday we will confess that I wrote this in a fit of jealousy ;)