Thursday, May 2, 2013


I am stumped to say the least. Why? Because i got a decal for my laptop which cost me a considerable amount of money and what I actually got was a sticker which I could have gone without.

It was intricate and everything but do I really want to spend 1k on a sticker that may not even last 1 month. This has made me reconsider all my past shoppings  which I have done online. Do you really buy that even kids can online shop and adults are just afraid of it. I mean I am a borderline adult who was not dupped but was withheld information.

When I read decal I though a second skin to my laptop not a sticker. Yes I WILL NEVER EVER CALL IT DECAL. For me it will always remain a sticker. This takes me back to shoe shopping and I ordered a converse pair which was a size too big (There reply, there is a size difference between USA and India, so can you mention that on the site, rather then telling me later.) What I am supposed to then, return, wait for another ten days and the special occasion I ordered them for, has zoomed past.

This two cases are not very dissimmilar. We see something online and we figure, we have an netbanking/credit card/ debit card. Let's order it. The ramification of this is, Until you know what you want specifically and the size (take all the names of the God, you know, as there is a 1% chance that it would be the right fit) you want. It may end up as a bad shopping choice.

Apart from the delivery woes and changes you have to sometimes go through. The balance that you could have spent on your parents/bf/gf/friend, is spent on them, telling that you got the wrong order/size/make.

What is the choice you are left with, buy overprised things from outside because a picture can lie for thousand words or leave shopping for once and for all.

I might just stick to buying online books. They can't give me wrong size books. I hope.

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