Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A very Long title

Well, I am back for some more jargon.

The long title trend started in India with Durjoy Dutta's novel "Of course I love you...till i find someone better." Now it has become unbearable. Every new writer is aping it mindlessly. Brevity is the key in any business although not while writing but at least in the title.

Why do we need long titles professing love or lust and they are not only unoriginal but cliqued even. Can't we have a short title or even if it is long it should have some meaning. I have read some brilliant novels that had short titles and some really bad ones with a very long title and vice versa.

I am not saying it is a bad practice. I am just saying be original if the story requires it.. make it a long title but if it doesn't don't follow what is in! This is not fashion but writing where creativity matters.

I will say if you are willing to read good books with good long titles try :


THE GIRL WITH A DRAGON TATTOO (the whole series)


Right now i can think of this and if you think of some, do comment.

I would like to read a love story (all the love stories have long titles god know why!) which has a short and concise title and the story is not disclosed on the cover only. Let the reader get intrigued and sometimes short is stupendous. 

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