Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Excuse the excuses!

I was told sometime back I give far too many excuses. I just wanted to know "Do we really want to know the truth?" Is it that easy to say harsher realities then uttering baseless but acceptable lies?

I mean when your teacher asks you about your homework, we most probably say we did it and left it at home. Will she be okay if i said "I didn't feel like doing it."?

When the excuses seem far more acceptable , then why people beat their breasts about the fact that all we do is give excuses. When truth has no place why ask for it? Why they can't simply accept the excuse or tell us what they need to hear.

Since they neither want to know the truth or hear the lie. I wish it was simpler not this complex. It happens in all the relationships and it happens in the workplace i.e. your job, your school or wherever you are accountable.

They all want to know why? but are we prepared to hear the reason behind it.

It is not just that, when someone asks us how much more time? We simply say 5mins. It does not matter for how long it will actually take. It is ingrained in us. The excuses are our way to being vaguely precise.

All this boils down to one thing, if we can't handle the truth, we shouldn't ask for it. Excuses are there in our lives, to simplify not to complicate because excuse is not an lie. It is a polite of way saying "You don't care, I sure as hell don't. So accept whatever I am saying."

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