Monday, October 29, 2012

Annoying habits

I have annoying habits. Well i have habits and suddenly i realized they are annoying. Okay they become an annoyance when you dislike the person and I am feeling the same way.

All my life i have endeavoured to be unbiased but somehow when we go forward in life we become biased. We become prejudiced. We become what we did not want to. A hypocrite .

I am too suffering from the same dilemma. I wish it was simple.

Anyways thats not the point. The point is a question in mind. Why when we like a person all their habits seem bearable but when they lose that affection. Even the quirks we love become a nuisance. Sometimes those very habits in questions are ours also.

The annoying habits annoy you so much that you try to stay clear of the person. They start noticing the change and you have no way to explain why the heck you behave that way. It becomes clear that you don't want to be friends with them but your and their social life is so tangled together you have to be friends. The traits you someday loved, become a matter of bitching. Wish there were no annoying habits. Not mine Not theirs. Life is screwed up that way. Wish it was a little more lenient and honest.

I don't think their is a generalised opinion but wish we could or at least i could look beyond that. To treat everyone with some leeway we give ourselves.

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