Monday, November 26, 2012

Liar Liar

Lies, lies and some  more lies. I have heard people say it that lying is a bad habit. I think if you can lie convincingly then lying is good.

It is not you should lie when you are on stand, you might go to jail due to purgery.

 In life it is the most important thing to lie to yourself. You need to believe those lies, They are our saving graces. Tell yourself daily that I am the best thing that happened to the world. Tell yourself you are going to be great. Slowly but surely you will believe it too. They are not lies per say, they are the things we don't believe we have been told otherwise.

They seem much truer then our words but they make us doubt ourselves. Self doubt and disappointment within ourselves lead to bad things and believing never does anything bad.

It is like that story where everyone assembled to pray for rain and a child brought a umbrella. that is what those lies do to us. They make us believe the unachievable is within our reach.

It is just that it is really necessary to survive this world because no one likes the truth. Not even us. It should be a fairy tale. If it isn't? We need to lie and say it is a fairy tale!

Believe because there is no better lie then this. :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Beauty Beneath

I was one of those people who believed that if you had inner beauty that was all to it. As I have aged, I realize it is very childish to think of inner beauty as the only valued quality. i think outer beauty too matters. I am not taking about plastic beauty or kilos of make up. I am taking about taking care of yourself. Looking nice!

If someone comes to me and says that I only care about inner beauty that I just want to ask, do they like compliments or not? If they do and they are lying to themselves and others too.

Inner beauty and outer beauty are like the sides of a coin. Both matter. you can't just be good looking or  never care for yourself. Hiding beneath bad choices in clothes, huge glasses is simply wrong. God gave you a gift by making you, please respect by taking care of it. 

I know i am ranting and all but all this takes to me one question. If we can't love ourselves as we are then there is point of living. But is it wrong to look good ? I mean i get that love yourself and be proud of you are. I am not asking people to get plastic surgery. I am just saying a dash of lip gloss never hurt anyone. A good haircut never made anyone frown and above all, a compliment never made anyone cry.

So why to go in this debate of good or bad. Just be the best of you and that means a little TLC and I am all for it. Because It's about Marketing these days and no one likes a bad product. 

Keep smiling and Keep looking Good :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Diwali Blues ;)

As diwali approaches, I am confused as what it signifies for me. I am not a huge diwali fan especially since my mother decided to make it work hard and no sleep week for me. Diwali is about sweets, new clothes, wishing people, bursting crackers and decorations. I am not sure which one I personally like. If i were to be honest, I'll say none.

I am ambivalent about my feeling and about diwali. I like the lights, the colors but they are not that great.. I am more like a person who would like to celebrate when i want not when everyone else is. It is a nonsense thought. It is mine and I am like that.

I want diwali time to be time to chill and relax not become a day where it is all about work.

I think diwali is about lighting the inner light, not your house. It is about sweetening  your lives not making them. It is about being fair in life, being righteous, not about following some tradition.

Diwali had made me realize after a hard work and bone crushing pain, that one cup of tea i share with my family is more satisfying then new clothes, crackers or even pooja. It is the time to bond :) and bond you should.

Call the people you won't otherwise call, distribute sweets to people who you don't like, give crackers to kids who can't buy their own and help your mum this diwali. She too needs a day off.. :)

P.S. this is after diwali but started before diwali.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Excuse the excuses!

I was told sometime back I give far too many excuses. I just wanted to know "Do we really want to know the truth?" Is it that easy to say harsher realities then uttering baseless but acceptable lies?

I mean when your teacher asks you about your homework, we most probably say we did it and left it at home. Will she be okay if i said "I didn't feel like doing it."?

When the excuses seem far more acceptable , then why people beat their breasts about the fact that all we do is give excuses. When truth has no place why ask for it? Why they can't simply accept the excuse or tell us what they need to hear.

Since they neither want to know the truth or hear the lie. I wish it was simpler not this complex. It happens in all the relationships and it happens in the workplace i.e. your job, your school or wherever you are accountable.

They all want to know why? but are we prepared to hear the reason behind it.

It is not just that, when someone asks us how much more time? We simply say 5mins. It does not matter for how long it will actually take. It is ingrained in us. The excuses are our way to being vaguely precise.

All this boils down to one thing, if we can't handle the truth, we shouldn't ask for it. Excuses are there in our lives, to simplify not to complicate because excuse is not an lie. It is a polite of way saying "You don't care, I sure as hell don't. So accept whatever I am saying."

Monday, October 29, 2012

Annoying habits

I have annoying habits. Well i have habits and suddenly i realized they are annoying. Okay they become an annoyance when you dislike the person and I am feeling the same way.

All my life i have endeavoured to be unbiased but somehow when we go forward in life we become biased. We become prejudiced. We become what we did not want to. A hypocrite .

I am too suffering from the same dilemma. I wish it was simple.

Anyways thats not the point. The point is a question in mind. Why when we like a person all their habits seem bearable but when they lose that affection. Even the quirks we love become a nuisance. Sometimes those very habits in questions are ours also.

The annoying habits annoy you so much that you try to stay clear of the person. They start noticing the change and you have no way to explain why the heck you behave that way. It becomes clear that you don't want to be friends with them but your and their social life is so tangled together you have to be friends. The traits you someday loved, become a matter of bitching. Wish there were no annoying habits. Not mine Not theirs. Life is screwed up that way. Wish it was a little more lenient and honest.

I don't think their is a generalised opinion but wish we could or at least i could look beyond that. To treat everyone with some leeway we give ourselves.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A very Long title

Well, I am back for some more jargon.

The long title trend started in India with Durjoy Dutta's novel "Of course I love you...till i find someone better." Now it has become unbearable. Every new writer is aping it mindlessly. Brevity is the key in any business although not while writing but at least in the title.

Why do we need long titles professing love or lust and they are not only unoriginal but cliqued even. Can't we have a short title or even if it is long it should have some meaning. I have read some brilliant novels that had short titles and some really bad ones with a very long title and vice versa.

I am not saying it is a bad practice. I am just saying be original if the story requires it.. make it a long title but if it doesn't don't follow what is in! This is not fashion but writing where creativity matters.

I will say if you are willing to read good books with good long titles try :


THE GIRL WITH A DRAGON TATTOO (the whole series)


Right now i can think of this and if you think of some, do comment.

I would like to read a love story (all the love stories have long titles god know why!) which has a short and concise title and the story is not disclosed on the cover only. Let the reader get intrigued and sometimes short is stupendous. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mindless jargon

Mindless Jargon

Jargon is a term that is given to a person who speaks highly technological stuff that no one understands. So here I am speaking mindless and directionless jargon.

I will get straight to the point I am bored and this is a way to kill/ murder time for me. I am not going to make sense one day or today. It would not be a diary entry. It would not be my life. It would be my way of saying who the heck cares what it is.

I had just read The Casual Vacancy By  J.K. Rowling and it took me a week to complete it (my standard time for any book is 1 or maximum 2 days). I did not give up on the novel and read it in small doses.

It was Good or Bad, I have no idea but I DID FINISH it because it was J.K. Rowling's novel. I wish there was a protagonist  there was a theme. There was something on which my attention could hang. There was none yet it did not leave in between. When it got over I had a bitter sweet moment. It was like i left a place which i despised yet it was my hometown . How could you hate it? It was ingrained in you.

You might not love this novel or go for a second read but it portrayed emotions with a rawness that left you wounded with their callousness and apathy. Somehow these characters make you like them.

Do i wish it was harry potter VIII, I do but would i not read this. I don't know. :)

If you do read it just don't think of harry potter and you would not be disappointed.